Battery Storage Systems

Battery Storage Systems

Battery Storage Systems A more recent innovation in the energy field is the use of battery systems to store and regulate power. Pro Circuit Solar Engineering has successfully installed battery systems on residential and commercial properties. Getting Started The first...
Solar Photovoltaic

Solar Photovoltaic

Solar Photovoltaic Photovoltaic technologies have distinguished themselves as the preeminent solution to the World’s increasing energy demands. Pro Circuit Solar Engineering has over 14 years of experience working with solar photovoltaic systems. We are honored to...
Microgrid Systems

Microgrid Systems

Microgrid systems Pro Circuit Solar Engineering microgrid systems convert solar energy into stored electrical power to be used for your home or business. Electricity is imported from the grid and is metered by a new Digital ‘Time of use Meter’ known as the...
Kwajalein Atoll

Kwajalein Atoll

Kwajalein Atoll Army Corps of Engineers Project Details: Project Type – Photovoltaic Facility Description – Military Installation Project Size – 487 kw 779,200 Annual kwH Savings HOW MUCH COULD YOU BE SAVING? This project was a design build ground...
Kalanimoku Building

Kalanimoku Building

DAGS – Kalanimoku Building 869 Punchbowl St.  Honolulu, HI 96823 Project Details: Project Type – Photovoltaic  Facility Description – Office / Data Center Project Size – 236.1 kw 377,760 Annual kwH Savings HOW MUCH COULD YOU BE SAVING? This...